Video 1: Understanding The Basics Of Influence

What's Inside

Learn the influence triggers that drive basic human behavior so that you can fine tune your communication (especially on Social Media) to grab the attention of your prospects and get them taking action.

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Video 2: Choosing Your Social Media Platform

What's Inside

Get a rundown of the pros & cons of different Social Media Platforms so you can get the most out of the time and effort you put towards growing your audience.

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Video 3: Building With Your Facebook Profile

With Guest Trainers Jordan Maylea & Kathy Schneider

What's Inside

The "Freedom Boss Babes" teach you exactly wrere to connect with the perfect prospects on Facebook. What to post to grab their attention, and exactly what to say to ultimately recruit them.

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Video 4: Building With Your Facebook Fanpage

With Guest Trainer Julie Burke

What's Inside

Julie Shares the exact 5 steps that helped her go to Multiple 6 Figures in her network marketing business from scratch, thanks to her Fanpage.  All while creating 3 other 6 figure income streams!

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Video 5: Building Your Business On Twitter

What's Inside

Todd & Leah Getts teach you how they've grown a massive Twitter Following 100% For Free and now use it as a consistent source of Traffic & Leads for their 7 Figure Business!

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Video 6: Building Your Business On Instagram

What's Inside

Todd & Leah Getts share a simple daily plan to grow a profitable Instagram Audience & move them towards your content and lead magnets!

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Action Steps To Complete This Module