Do you want know how to create content that your audience loves so you can enjoy more engagement, leads, and sales in your business?
I sure hope so, because content creation is one of the fastest way for you to gain trust, credibility and authority in your marketplace. Not to mention the digital real estate your content grabs can be great for lead generation.
In this blog post and video you’ll learn…
How to overcome the biggest hurdles marketers face when it comes to content creation.
How to never run out of engagement worthy content ideas again!
How to create content that new prospects find and love to consume.
And a whole bunch more!
Why Mindset Is Important When It Comes To Successful Content Marketing
I mentioned the biggest hurdles right? Well aside from consistently coming up with great content ideas (which can easily be solved with my Free 21 Content Ideas Resource), the biggest hurdle most entrepreneurs face is Mindset. Let me explain.
After training 1000’s of entrepreneurs in the Digital marketing space, there are two big hangups I hear time and time again. The first sounds something like “I’m not enough of an expert on the subject, who would listen to me”, or “I’m just not ready yet”, or “I feel like an imposter speaking or teaching on the subject.”
Listen… there’s always going to be people who know more about something, and people who know less. If you’re waiting for the day you know “the most” it will never come. I tell most of my students and clients to stop trying to teach UP, and start teaching people who were where you were yesterday, a week ago, a month ago etc..
You only need to be one step ahead of your ideal prospect, client, or customer.
When you watch the video below, I’ll share the easiest types of content to create no matter what your experience or skill level is.
The second big hangup I hear from people sounds something like “there’s already tons of people talking about this.” This one falls along the line of “I’m too late” or “the market is saturated.”
There’s no doubt that in today’s world of self publishing it’s highly unlikely you’ll be one of the few, unless your niche is really new or obscure. However, thanks to the human condition, one place there will never be competition is in consistency. If you learn how to create content consistently for your marketplace competition will never be a problem.
Now that those pesky little Mindset hangups are out of the way, let’s talk about content marketing ideas.
How Do You Keep Coming Up With Engagement Worthy Content Marketing Ideas?
Today I’m going to solve this problem for you once and for all. In this video I’ll share the 5 Easiest Ways To Come Up With Content Your Audience Will Love!
And below the video I’ll share a Free Resource with 21 Content Ideas that will assure you never run out of ideas again. Enjoy the video!
Need Content Marketing Ideas? Here's The 5 Easiest Ways To Create Engagement Worthy Content!
Ok, now that we’ve covered the Mindset hangups most entrepreneurs face, and armed you with a never ending source of content. Let’s talk execution.
Keys To Crafting Great Content That Produces The Desired Result
To really nail this, let’s chat for a quick second about the objective of most content.
Typically if your content is published publicly, and meant to be found by prospects our here on the good ol’ interwebs, then whether it takes the form of a Facebook Live or Video, a Blog Post, a Youtube Video, a Podcast or any other published form, the objectives are pretty standard.
Content is meant to be found by our ideal prospects creating exposure for us, our brand, and business.
Once found content creates trust, authority, and likeability with many of the prospects who find us.
And then lastly, content serves as a bridge to a “next step” usually intended to lead to new Social Media followers, leads, and even sales.
To get the most out of your efforts, all 3 are incredibly important. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes most entrepreneurs make is not focusing on achieving all 3 with every piece of content they create.
Here are 5 Key’s To Getting The Most Out Of Your Content Marketing Strategy
1). An attractive title or headline: No matter where your content is published your prospect has to have desire to take action and consume it. That desire is spurred by your title or headline. While I don’t intend to dive deep on the subject in this post, the best single serving advice I can give is always consider “What’s in it for them”, and make sure it comes through in the title. If you want to dive deeper on the subject I highly recommend my course The Persuasion Advantage.
2). A great intro: We live in an age of extremely low attention spans. You’ve got a brief moment to hold your reader, listener or viewer’s attention. A great intro accomplishes a few things. It breaks pattern, creates some authority, and hooks your prospect to consume more or all of your content.
A pattern interrupt is something that get’s your prospect to break out of the half conscious state we spend most of our day in, and become more present. This can be done by asking a question that begs an answer or it can be done with visual stimulation like imagery or movement.
Once you have your prospects attention, you want to introduce yourself in a way that implies some level of authority and lets your prospect know what to expect from your content. “What’s in it for them”.
Lastly the use of an “Open Loop” which plants an unsettled question in the mind of your prospect, or makes the promise of something appealing to be delivered later in the content is a great way to hook your compel your prospect to stick with you.
3). Great content itself: There’s nothing worse than fluff filled content that feels unsatisfying to the consumer. Following some of the information discussed in the video above deliver content that is helpful, useful, solves a problem, entertains, or all of the above. Stay on task, and get to the point.
4). A clear call to action: All content should have a call to action with a “next step” for your prospect to take. If someone is consuming your content it’s for a reason, and there’s a good chance they’d like more. You can encourage them to become a fan, follower, or subscriber, or direct them to a lead capture form, or even sales page.
5). A Promotional Plan: I’ve watched countless entrepreneurs create what I call “online diaries”. They crank out content consistently and their viewership never grows. There’s no one size fits all solution here, but the advice I’ll give is to take the time to learn how to create content that your audience will love, then spend the time learning how the specific platforms you're publishing on work. For example, if you’re constantly doing Facebook Lives, learn how it is that Facebook chooses to serve that live to viewers, so that you can craft it and promote it in a way that grows viewership. It’s not enough to create content and hope. You must take the time to learn the in’s and outs of being seen or found.
Now that you've got your plan on how to create content, what’s next?
Get busy. Content marketing is a long term play. Create a plan that you can execute consistently, and do just that. I always recommend that students and clients choose 1-2 platforms for focus on rather than spending yourself thin. Once you’ve built the “habit muscles” of consistently publishing content on a platform, and you’ve learned how to produce the desired results with that content, then expand your efforts.
That’s everything. Hope you got value from this post and video. If you did be sure to drop a comment or give it a share.
Get out there and take your business to the next level now that you know how to create content that your audience will love!
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