Being a network marketer can look pretty darn attractive on the company presentation, but it often isn’t all sunshine and rainbows when you get right into it….especially when you are starting out. I just finished listening to “Crush It” by Gary Vaynerchuk. I’m always looking for great new info to feed my brain, and with Gary speaking at No Excuses Summit 4 in May adding “Crush It” to my list of books to read…was a no brainer. Gary talks about cashing in on your passion, and it got me thinking. How many people are excited and passionate about being a network marketer? Let’s face it….everyone would like more money. Everyone would like time freedom and the ability to live life on their own terms. Sure….that stuff is exciting, but network marketing is certainly not the only way to achieve financial freedom. So I’ll ask you what I just asked myself….are you excited to be a network marketer.
Am I Excited About Being A Network Marketer
So do you want to know my answer? Ok I’ll tell you….yes…I am super excited about being a network marketer, but the answer isn’t exactly cut and dry. I reflected on how I’ve felt in the past…times I may not have been quite as passionate. Sure it’s easy to love network marketing when it has improved my lifestyle dramatically, and I am fortunate enough to be able to effect other peoples’ lives in a positive way, but what about when it wasn’t that way. I watch so many network marketers lose steam.. lose that passion….that charge. Quite frankly without it you can’t succeed. So how was it that I kept going….how did I manage to keep the flame lit. I wrote this article to help you light that very necessary fire, and push forward relentlessly towards network marketing success.
4 Ways To Excite The Network Marketer Within
- Be part of the community. Hands down nothing will get you or a member of your network marketing team fired up like going to a live event. Getting around other network marketing professionals, and vibing on the company message offers a quick reminder of why you got started in the first place. On a weekly basis this can be done by getting on team calls, attending local events, and engaging in team groups on social media.
- Revisit your goals and dreams. Money and time freedom just don’t cut it. Make a dream board…write down big goals! Take a minute everyday….close your eyes and go to that place, and if you don’t know what that place is….what it looks like, feels like, who is with you….then how can you get excited about it. You can’t! Define what you want….and I mean exactly what you want.
- Help and network for the right reasons. I’ve heard it said that if you don’t truly believe that your product or opportunity can help people…you certainly can’t successfully sell it. So assuming being a network marketer puts you in a position to help people get out there and do it….not for the money…not for the sale…but for them. Doing good by others can relight a fire and reconnect you with the fact that network marketing can be a vehicle for you to have an impact on others.
- Commit to personal growth. Often times people are looking for change, and may not be the best them at that moment. I for one was in a less than stellar mental state when I started my journey. For this reason my personal growth was always something that got me excited about what I was doing. Focusing less on my lack of results and more on my growth as a person kept my excitement levels high, and it can do the same for you.
If you haven’t been quite as excited as you should be about being a network marketer it’s OK. But you can and must change that if you want to succeed. Immerse yourself in the industry and in your missions and find the passion to push you through the tough times. If you’ve experienced what I am talking about and found this blog post helpful be sure to leave a comment below, or share it with your friends.
To Your Success,
Justice Eagan
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