A few valuable copywriting tips, and a couple strokes of the pen (or its digital equivalent) and you can start having even the smallest online audience responding enthusiastically to just about anything you have to offer. Pretty cool thought right? Well yeah!!…if you want to make more money.
So do you want to make more money? Cool!…well in just a moment I’ve got a challenge for you. In fact that question's in red because you need to remember it so you understand the example I give when explaining the challenge. That will make a little more sense later.
Now I know what you’re thinking….uggghhhh a writing challenge? Before you break out in a cold sweat or get nightmares about that miserable spinster of a middle school english teacher who used to carve up your writing efforts as if her 30 cent, felt tipped, “red pen of death” dictated your future, take a deeeeeep breath. Now exhale….not only will this be fun, but I’ve got a pretty cool gift for you if you participate.
Oh yeah…and when you take this challenge it's sure to help you uncover a couple morsels of marketing magic contained within this blog post that can get people to finally stop ignoring your social media posts, emails, blog posts and sales pages….and actually buy your stuff and put a lot more scratch in your pocket. You game? Ok…let’s move on.
Why Copywriting Tips?
Well for starters if you feel frustrated because people aren’t responding to you and in turn you’re not making sales, which fyi is the ONLY way you’re going to ever make money in our business…then that’s a pretty good reason to take my advice and get training on copywriting.
It’s for a much less serious reason that I’m sharing these copywriting tips and holding the “Ninja Warrior” of blog post challenges. I kid….its a really simple challenge. Before you dive in let me give you a bit of insight as to exactly why I'm writing this…
Turn the clock back about 12 hours and I was sitting in this very chair, at this very computer holding a private training webinar for a group of people. You wanna know what kind of people? People just like you who want better results, more sales, and more money. People who are serious enough about their businesses that they were willing to make a decision and fork over a few bucks to leverage the most powerful online training and lead generation system on the web. Which imho happens to be My Lead System Pro Mastery. By a few bucks I’m talking about a whopping $10 risk free trial.
You see….when you join Mastery through my link you get access to three private high level training webinars every month where I dish out the goods and show you what works when it comes to using this fancy internet machine to rake in leads, sales, and even new sign ups into your business. Crazy part is…when you become a mastery member with me you even get access to all the archived webinar recordings.
BTW….this is the exact system that helped me go from being a broke waiter who couldn’t sign up a rep to save my life (even my mom didn’t join and she loves me)….to walking in “smile on face”, video camera in apron and firing my boss….all the while “said” camera was catching this cool video.
Ok so back to why you’re reading this post about 5 copywriting tips before you get your Ninja Warrior gear on. Inside our private Facebook group (FYI if you take the Mastery trial you get to join the group) the gang said they wanted to learn about copywriting. I thought cool….I’m down, until I realized something. I’ve never officially taught on copywriting before.
So last night I decided to step up to the challenge and go for it. The result….people like Chris loved it!
Now Chris knows you need a list to create buyers (which is where MLSP Mastery comes in), and he's smart enough to leverage all my private training to get leads and grow his list, but the best part about last night's webinar was that it was a blast. So I’m writing this because I wanted to let you in on some of the fun (hence the challenge), and to give you just a few of the tips that were shared last night on the webinar. Here they are.
5 Copywriting Tips Guaranteed To [Insert Your Desired Result Here]
Tip#1 Write In Your Own Voice: Be you, be real, be fun, entertaining, personable, relatable. Find your conversational voice and feel free to break some grammar rules.
Tip #2 Be A Story Teller:Your audience (And yes you have an audience. Just go log into Facebook to prove I’m right) isn’t responding to what you say nearly as much as they are to how you make them feel. Appeal to their senses. Use metaphors, tell stories that elicit both positive and negative emotions.
Tip #3 Ask Yes Questions: You want to get your prospect in a YES state. Even back in my broke waiter days I knew this one. Does anyone at the table enjoy wine? Yes. Would you like to hear about a couple of my personal favorites? Yes. Would you like to try that one? (As I suggestively nod) YES! Does this tip make sense?
Tip #4 Open Loops And Move Your Reader Forward: Curiosity is a very powerful tool in copywriting. Stimulate curiosity forcing your reader to move on. Leaving your reader asking themselves questions about things you’ve said or mentioned will compel them to continue for the answer.
Tip #5 Embed Directive Commands In Your Writing: Trust me with a little practice it will become second nature to use directive commands. Notice I didn’t say that using directive commands will become second nature. Because the phrase “use directive commands” is much more “directive” than “using directive commands.” Naturally use your copy to tell you reader what to do next.
Did you find these copywriting tips helpful?
If you did, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many more. You're probably itching to see the full webinar from last night. If you want access just take the $10 risk free trial of MLSP Mastery here, and end the pain of lead poverty, and use proven training and tools to start growing your business and making more money.
Did I mention that all the copy in MLSP's emails, capture pages, sales pages etc. has been written by a 25 Million Dollar internet marketer who specializes in copywriting? It flat out works, and when you dive in today you’ll get bonus access to all those juicy private webinar recordings….including last night’s.
So on to the copywriting challenge…it’s really super simple
Just go down below and leave a Facebook comment where you cite 1 example from this blog post that uses one of the 5 tips you learned. You'll notice I’ve have obnoxiously overused them so there’s no shortage of answers.
Let me show you what I mean. Cite the Tip # and then copy a word, phrase or sentence from the post that actually uses that tip. For instance….remember Tip #3 is ask yes questions…you’re Facebook comment could look like….
Your Comment: Tip #3 “So do you want to make more money?”
(Remember the phrase in red from the beginning? Just don’t be lazy and use that one)
When you leave a comment below I’ll reach out and send you my favorite swipe file containing 527 email subject lines that your prospects won’t be able to ignore. This is my personal “Go-To” resource when writing my emails. I’ve been pulling ideas out of this bad boy for over 2 years…and it never gets old. Not only do you want to grab this because it will get prospects taking action and ultimately help make you more money, but also get it because pages 4-16 are hilarious and will have you cracking up.
So have fun with it. See if you can give an answer no one has yet. Go down and leave a comment below now and I’ll send you a copy of my favorite swipe file! Deal? Cool, I look forward to seeing your examples of these copywriting tips!
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Contact Me :justice@justiceeagan.com |
#2 I’ve been pulling ideas out of this bad boy for over 2 years…and it never gets old.
#4 As an occupational therapist, I help people achieve goals with their health and bodies, is there an area you would like to set goals for? Do you know about occupational therapy? It’s pretty darn awesome.